17 July 2008


Aloysongsu , cheers anyways ! (; Go sch && get it the cb two headed snake !! Today , meeting beibei ! (; Accompany her to her bishan ite . Wth , till there her teachers nt in ! Wtf !! :D Aft , pei beibei go back to bedok resiovior her bf anders house . Aggrrrhhhhs !!!!! haas . Anders house gt two damns big dog !!!!! ;DD 8smthins i beibei steffi go bedok && meet ahkel ahben thems . (;


15 July 2008


ad toilets ! (;ad boys toilets ! ;DD LOLS ./ Bochap

Fucking siol ! hais ! Teachers wants me back !! (; WHYS ?! Damn damn damn laas . Luaghs * If , i nvr be in sch . My class some ppl dont wanna comes && afew comes le . hais . Sry ya !!!!! Today ad sch finally , met tao sensen ; junior ; shiwen ; jason ! ;D



14 July 2008


ad classrm. zhilian laas . Luaghs *
abus cap ! ;D LOLS ./
Pst *** thanks for grace editing ! (;

haas . Today morning wakeup 6.30 for shicai !! :D && morning call him laas . Laughs * Xiaozhuzhu him lahs ! (; MUHAHAHAS !! Aft , go back to slp agians . (: 7.33am wakeup agian && washup to prepare . Fucking siol ! damns sian lahs ! Needs to go back to school agians . Quit . Bts , teachers && all friends wants me to be back . sian siol ! (; Whys ? Am i so famous ? Why everybodys wants me to to back ? Ok luhs . I back is back . If i like then comes , don't like then don't comes . Don't like then go aways laas . Luaghs * BOCHAP !!!!! Anyways , miss ya all toos . (: i miss sch toos ((: bts , i wont be sch for long ehs . Once , i find till job thn nt be back le . Break times . KNNB CCB LAHS ! ONE FUCKING ASS GIRL TIAO ME ! CCB ! YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR FUCKING WAYS UHS ! LYK AUNTIE LYK THAT STILL WANNA ACT LIANLIAN KIA ! CB NEHNEH EU LAAS ! NTH TO DO && WANNA FIND TAIJI UHS ?! YOU EYES NVR OPPERATION IZZIT ?! NEXT , SEE TAO YOU HELL YOU !!!!! ;DDDDD ............................... Lunch times . Pon aft thats' ! ;D Me jacq baby && grace go hougang slack && eat ./ Nice chat w you jacq babay !!! ;DD Thanks for all your cares' ! (; i'll try my best to . (: going to 4pm luhs . Go home le . && BYES **


12 July 2008


ahkelbaba ; ahbenbaba "
ahsongbaba - He is my gans-bro ! (; && thanks for your listening ear to me && the cares' . (:
ahxingbaba - Thanks for begins there for me !!! ;DD

will countdown to 251007-08 ; our 1years' !!!!!

nomatter ; they are my importants just lyk my hearts ! ILOVEYA ALL ALOTS !!
they rocks my life./they will nvr be replace .{pbt}i'll be there

  • ahbenbaba - He has sweet warm && caring . He is friendly && joker . Who is ever ready to offer assistance to everyone around && making fun to cheers up . He will be my listening ear whatever . Thanks alots uhs . Thanks for the everythings whn you are beside me && support me . (: i will teasure this friendship till old ! No matter whats ! (;
  • ahkelbaba - He has sweet warm caring && hardworking . He is friendly . Who is ever ready to offer assistance to everyone around && to cheers ppl up . He is always be my listening ear whatever . Thanks alots uhs . Thanks for the everythings whn you are beside me && support me . (: i will teasure this friendship till old ! (; No Matter Whats !! Thanks for ahkel editing ! (; He is damns sweet !! ;DD LOLS .

Bond family i loves damn lots ! (;


11 July 2008


today go bukit merah ! (; w freda puxiu && teng !! ;D aft , i && freda going down bedok . Wtf I am !! sway lors . i broke my small mirror !!! shit hell !! I alr so sway le . Thn still broke . More bad lucks !!! hais ! I have no choice . God have make me to the way i have ! I am damns bored . Thanks for ahkelbaba Cares' . He is so sweet !!!!! Calling thems ; ahben && ahkel they all nt free . );


10 July 2008


Today going toapayoh slack ! (; haas . Aft , times going to 6pm luhs . Going backs to sk find my bro && thems . haahs , going nearby chushi "blk 40" . Manjusri sec ard there laas . Yeahs ! (; Ad yangboon mine notiboy house downstair . I was thinking of him !! ;D Cause , long times nvr met tao him luhs . && wanna call him down . Bts , awhile ltr .. MUHAHAHAS !!! ;DD Met tao him luhs . Damns qiao . haas . Have a chat !!!!! ;D Notiboy yb , i miss you much laas . LOLS . Aft . Going back sk && slack . && have a big chat cock lahs ! (;
