29 November 2008


Last nights on the phone w ricky daddy. I am so sorry abt thats. I am real rly sorry boy. I didn't mean it t say those words t hurt your feelings. Is nt all that i want. You think that i want that ways? Bt, you should have knw what was happens t me abt the previous love or r/s. I wish nw there is a guy w me always by my side && protect me. 'The person that can understand me && who can really make me happiness everyday .' Thats all! Bt, i am afraid that i will get deeply more agians. [phobia] What i get is all in pain && the hurts. So i will keep on say all guys are hongster! I hate them! I hope there is no more love t me anymore. No more. Nth. Bt. I doesn't meant it that ways! I knw that i was being too much of saying that. I knw that you are still un-happy w it. You are sad. && You are still angry w me in your heart. I still cn feels. Hais! Hope you don't take the words in your heart. I guess that you won't able be talking t me luh. So whn imma was nt around. Takecares alots uhs. I am sorry..

Nt whole worlds of the guy are hongster? Is that real? Cn i believe/trust in it? Hope this is true. God, let me know & prove me that. Prove it t me that you love me.

Hais ! 5.25pm, just finish toking on phone w cycena luh.:D Thanks t accompany for the toks .(: <3

Everythings everybody that we left behind is those footsteps .


28 November 2008


This music is nice . (: Imma just felt lyk , i am in the dreams of a peace world . It soft , sweets && relaxing ! (; Loves x3 enjoy ((:



I have low blood pressure?!

Signs and Symptoms
Teens and adults who have COA often do not have any symptoms or have only mild signs that are discovered during a regular visit to the doctor. Someone with symptoms may notice some or all of these:

-cold legs and feet
-shortness of breath, especially when exercising
-leg cramps after exercising
-strong, throbbing headaches
-chest pain

some of that may causes more serious && worst. [dangerous] why?!!

Sometimes you all rly dk what i feels abt . Sometimes i was rly dk what should i do or what should i says . I am tired of all . I'm so tired of begin here . I am real rly so tired of being IMMORTAL ! I am sick of it ! You'll nvr understand .

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26 November 2008


freaking-out ; imma looking so ugly at here ! Kns . D;

Today went t grace house . Thanks . LOLS . ..... GETWELLWELLSOONSOONSOON !!! Loved * Aft . Ask ricky daddy t come && accompany me . Thanks alots uhs . Thanks for the days && thanks for coming down hougang t accompany me . <33

Sometimes , i was rly felt that who that i am love w thems . "Love everybody that i know and meet till this day because i will never forget Ya All....." Love those who is . All that i knews that will nvr fells t aparts in my life . Bt . Do they knw ? Who cares ? Nobody does !! No ways ! They didn't even no . They didn't even wanna care abt . Hais ! Thats all i have t reach till the ends for the one day ! Nobody whose knw what i feels abt . ************ IMISSM.J.R ! I miss back my past of my secondary sch life times . I miss everyones ! )'; I miss thems ; esp my class ! (; Thanks god . Everythings we should do is t 'Forgives && Forgets' .



Arghhs ! ~ imma looking damns ahgong at heres'
jes and me

BACK !!!!! Internet ytd sotsot de . Nw today finally ok luh.:D Damns happy mans ! ;DD that tuesday 25thNov went out w cheryl baobei mei ! (; Haas . It been much fun & happy w thems on thy days spending w thems . Exspecially my baobei mei !!! Haahs , it been a long times no meet alr . Last times she came t my work place look for me . If i am nt wrong . Still rmb that our 1st met is last yrs' dec somethings . LOLS . Till these times is the 2nd met . Hees * Meet thems 3.30pm at bugis . Endup . Imma come late . I'm sorry ya ! Aft , we have fun in the longjohnsliver . Keeping on take alots of photos && take whole group of us by ourselves ; funny == Laughs ! Aft that we went t clakequay ..... ... 6/7pmsmthings . Jeslyn have t g luhs . They wanna t have drinks . Then accompany thems went t around there the Forbidden city t have a big drink . ............................ DRUNK ~` Reach aljunied . I realise that i have drunk for just & feels lyk vomiting . Then have just awaken . Rly thanks cheryl && weichong keep on by my side t send && accompany me through home . Thanks mei t be my listener all awhiles . Thanks for accompany till my house outside . Rly . It a big thanks t ya ! And sorry for troubles Ya All.)'; Tired aft all . My cheryl baobei mei-esp; I needs t thanks you . Thanks for side of me . Rmb , i'll always by your sides toos ^^ I am always here . (: Here for Ya All toos ! (; Just rinrin me up` You are always my baobei mei <33

thy date pic

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24 November 2008


Morning ya ! (; Upset , disappointed & sad . Alone && lonely . Weakness nw . Thats whr i am standing . Imma nw then realise there is nth impotants t me anymore . Some comes t me or whatever else . When you all have troubles/problems , i will always by you all side t be listener whenever you all needs me . I just cn't throw you all down && runaway . I willing t help . Everybody do does have a limit . Even i will . If i help was nt in fully enough . Bt . The only that i cn help alr trying t help . Even it nt much that i cn help . That's all i have been alr done my best . Always you all have problems/troubles will be also mine . Cos' i treat you all as my friends . You all seems dosen't even cares ! Bt . When/ever i have troubles/problems , whr are you all ? You are just leave it . Why ? Nw then i realise . All was in fake . Everythings is fake . You all are just freaking hell t me . I felt that i'm useless . IHATEMYSELF ! You all don't even knw . You all cn see what i have smiling & laughs for each single times . I cn say that i am happy && ok/fine . Thats all . How i feels . You'll nvr understand . For everyones . I am glad that you all are doing fine . (: You all happy i will be happy toos . As you all happy cn le . All the best !! Thanks god for those memories .


22 November 2008


Yo Ohayo !! Morning everybody ! (; Aww ... Tired * Hais ! This few days was real rly bloody hell/fucking tiring . Haas . Nvm . (: Imma just nt feeling well today . Damns cold && head spinning ! ); Un-well ' " Haahs , it alrights ! Still cn handle it . Hmmm .. Ytd midnight was chatting on the phone w Stanley awhiles . Stanley ah stanley ... Don't always lyk that cn ? Pls . Wakeup alr . Don't keep on let me upset , because of your things/problems . Is you think too much alr . Lyk my cousin had told me . Thx cousin ((: he told me that [you low self-esteem, and think rather negatively, but speaking the fact about the cruelty of this world.] ; [you shared the same darkness as mine, but in different way.] && cousin had said that [ at the moment, he think you trust noone but yourself. Cousin told me t Give you some time to get used to it, that you (unlike what eu said in the blog) has friends ] Cousin told me t "must enter his world, and get him out from the darkness. You are getting on the right track le, hence must help him out too. friends like you who care and concern about him. try your best to change his mindset and opinions." Cheers boy ! Must get you out !! ;D LOLS . :D Take your times. I'm sure one fine day that you cn do it de. Trust yourself!! JYJYJY !!!!!

Will be back t post ltr, be continue .. Stay turn for the nights.
BACK .! ~ Woos I was so damn damn damns happy mans !! ;D Today took alots of photos . 60plus . Bt have been delete some away . :D Hees . Long times nvr been lyk this luhs . I am so crazy !! == You cn gone t mad' rly. You will mad aft all you've seen fcuk`

zzZ.. Crazy && mad of me ! Wanna .. Lol ..... This is my 1st days && the times took so much mans ! ;DD Tired * Haas . Today have t accompany freda t g expo for jj party . 4plus freda came t aljunied mrt t meet me . Aft that . She accompany me g bugis whiles . ............ Reaching early . At tanahmerah mrt sit at there waiting for puxiu thems for almost thy one hrs' . Boring ! At there took alots lots lot of pic . ^^ LOLS . :D
