28 February 2009


Hellos , Good-Aft-Noon everyone ! (; Was just hanging up phone w pinruy . (: hmmm .. Ltr abt 5pm gg hougang mall t meet grace && pinruy tgt g t slack . :D

Back to post some pic . (: hmmm .. today th rain is very big & strong . Rain until th floor is whole huge of water lyk pond . One thing that was a big troublesome is my slipper is so slippy ! Arghs ! Hate it damns ! Have t walk lyk ah-ma ==" LOLS . :D && was so sorry for letting pinray waiting me an-hrs' . ... Grace house void-deck slack == ..

Grace-thanks alots ; a blow KISSES'
Ahboi bro && Chiewxia sis-Thanks alots ! (;


27 February 2009


Morning everyone ! (; here because of my sickness have make me staying at home for 4days luh. It still recovering ! ); bt , today imma is going out . :D Ltr imma gt t meet shiming darling at bugis ! ;DD

Bt here goes ;
if you saw this pls ans me kindly . (:
One thing i wanna tell you this 'RICKY' ! Dnt make me upset ! ):
You are my one of the best-friend ever that i nvr step in this part !!
Nth cn break us apart ! OK ?! HELLOS ?!


Aft bugis . Went t hougang find grace . (:


26 February 2009


when you’re worried && absentminded && then the black cat suddenly mews && you just accidentally bt so stupidly hit the door of the microwave w the cup.

I was always afraid this would happen one day. My life won’t be the same from nw on! :(

Bad things happen...My Baby's Gone (Come Back Baby)

Last night was the lowest
i've ever come in my short life.
I'll admit i cried until i fell asleep
&& again in the morning
&& through most of my day
(&even as i write this).

-4 days alone-
tml will be alrights !
huili ! Get well soon ! (;


25 February 2009


I despise, bringin misery to life. Wishin myself had someone to trust in. So i cn let it all out convey the reason i've been feelin so down. Bt whn i reach out for help i find there's no one bt myself. I knw.

Life won't be this tough forever, only one thing makes it better. Dnt hold it inside, no such thing as pride whn my hearts on the line it's ok to cry.

I've been through it myself. Contained emotions i was locked in a shell. Lil' did i knw i was headed down that road. I nvr had a compass directing whr i should g. Make a left off victim road. Continue straight into the light. Cos' that's whr you should find help.

&& were never too old or too grown to just cry. Said eu gotta let it out sometime. Sit in a corner && cry, hug on a pillow && cry. Scream to the top of your lungs && just cry.

cry - jay sean



24 February 2009


痛苦的病. No one else cn understand !
-2 days-


23 February 2009



upload ; CLICK here (291008)

Early in the morning , mimi came t my house outside ! ;DD Miss mimi much !! (L)

Ytd , meet cycena at hougang tgt && slack . (: It been a long time didn't meet her alr . It over 1month plus ! );

Imma is sick ! ): Having cough , ugly voice , && flu . SIGH ~
