22 June 2009


G.Afternoon people ! (; kinda bored ~
Hopefully cn get a job a news soon . (:
Hopefully, everythings went smoothly..
Now adays was damn lazy to use friendster
&& facebook instead . Ps. All will be approve or
reply in lately . Sorry anw . Hmmm ..
I should completly my Question of a lil' short post .

1. My Fav.Story from books/comics ?
As long as somethings which is included abt ghost story .

2. My Fav.Subject and teacher ?
Please don't ever ask agian . (nt schoolling anymore)

3. Singapore 2105 ?
LOLS . :D idk weather this earth cn keep us to alive/survive or stay how long was it . Is too far to know .

4. My brother/sisters ? Name ? Age ? What he/she doing now ? Do you like your bro/sis ? Why ? If you like why ? If don't like why not ? What activities do you all do together ?
=.=" too much asked && question , anw . Ok , well . I have a brother , name which is called weisheng . 12yr' old this yrs' . Ehs . Average , sometimes just felt that he is damn irritating or making me angry . So we will be quarrel for often . I only wish that he is mature enough , so i will love/likes him or to dotes him alots . Alrights , nth much abt it ! (;

5. The national day ?
Haven reach yet .

6. My Fav.Cartoon show ? Do you have the Japanese words ?
I seldom watch tv . I dont watch cartoons . Childish , see which parts or cartoon show it is . Yes ! :D

Alright, i shall stop here all the silly question!

Im so tired , tired because of you .
Im in confusion , dosen't know what should i do
to clear up my mind or heart w all the true/false .
I still dk that am i love you ? Likes you ? Miss you ?
Why am i so much by missing you ?

Hey peepos , im back ! (; 6pm just went to my grandmother house
to visit my godmother && eat dinner . It been so long that i didnt
went to visit & also see her alr . So , went to see/visit her . She seems to be
growing more older && older . Grey hair is almost over her head .
She even more && more weak toos . && i miss her so much ! );
last time , whn i was young children . She takecares of me && dotes me alots . D:

thanks to cheekin bro for tried helping me to look for a job . {:
thanks to adrian toos . && i am sorry that i didnt listen for your advise . Anw , i still needs to thankyou fr the Cares' . (:
lastly , i wanna thanks to eddie bro for trying to help me anw;D



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