25 June 2009


2days of working && tml was my 3rd day .
hopefully , everythings went smoothly .
so tired && pain of my leg . D:

why does im so drown && so down ?
i can't help myself . i can't even handle my life .
im so scared so fear . im stucking inside the dark .
im so afaird . someone focing me that i don't want to .
i gave away that i hate & is also the special ones .
im almost losing myself , lyk im missing now .
im so foolish in me . im so regret .
i dosen't know bad things could have happened .
idk why . idk why im so lose , right now .
i don't want to be the hell lyk this .
i could rather than giving/left the precious one to you .
but , now seems to be too late too over .
i rly hate myself for giving/sacrifice my ownself away .
i am so phobia...

no one else can even understand me now && ever .
this fear && pain , not even one can understand how i feel .
why ? there is nobody else can save me . no ! there isn't one .

zw, im sorry for myself && to you.
im sacrifice/giving away something .
i rly dk how to face or to tell you that, i've lost somethings else.
i think im nt the right one for you now && always.
im nt suit to be the one for eu. im sorry. im so sorry.

i'd lost myself.............



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